Ballina - 9th October, 2023 (1st Ballina - J & G Davison SCF National)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
Towradgi Did not Trap in Race Time7Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20237
Towradgi Long Distance Pointscore 20237
North Section Pointscore Did not Trap in Race Time8SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 20238
SCF North Section Long Distance Pointscore 20238
Ballina 1 - G&J Davison SCF Grand National Did not Trap in Race Time15SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 202315
SCF Long Distance Pointscore 202315
SCF Combine Pointscore 20230

Yamba - 23rd September, 2023 (1st Yamba - Towradgi Premier Stakes)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
Towradgi596,796402.4708:10:22BC HEN SCF22-10396 $20 Down2Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20232
Towradgi Long Distance Pointscore 20232
North Section Pointscore596,796402.4708:10:22BC HEN SCF22-10396 $20 Down3SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 20233
SCF North Section Long Distance Pointscore 20233
Yamba - Overall Fed Result596,796402.4708:10:22BC HEN SCF22-10396 $20 Down3SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 20233
SCF Long Distance Pointscore 20233
Towradgi Premier Stakes596,796402.4708:10:22BC HEN SCF22-10396 $20 Down3SCF Combine Pointscore 20238
Pools - TPS596,796402.4700:00:00BC HEN SCF22-10396 $20 Down1

Sawtell - 16th September, 2023 (3rd Sawtell - IGBF + John Graham SCF Young Bird Derby + Towradgi Sale + Shellies-Lake Sale + Dapto Breeders Plate)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
Towradgi494,188556.10200:58:59BB H 22 SCF 52766Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20236
Towradgi Long Distance Pointscore 20236
North Section Pointscore494,188556.10202:13:27BB H 22 SCF 527610SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 202310
SCF North Section Long Distance Pointscore 202310
3rd Sawtell - Overall Fed Result494,188556.10202:13:27BB H 22 SCF 527617SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 202317
SCF Long Distance Pointscore 202317
Illawarra Gold Band Futurity No Results44
John Graham SCF Young Bird Derby494,188556.10202:13:27BB H 22 SCF 527614
Pools - SCF YBD494,188556.10202:13:27BB H 22 SCF 52763
Towradgi Sale Race494,188556.10201:15:48BB H 22 SCF 52764
Towradgi Sale Race494,188464.52804:10:59BB H 22 SRPF 47510
Dapto Breeders Plate494,188333.30610:50:13RED C 22 SCF 1043 (Mario Saliba)9
Committee Use - Pointscore - SCF YBD No Results44

Sawtell - 10th September, 2023 (2nd Sawtell - Shellies-Lake Open Combine)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
Towradgi494,1881133.32800:12:18BC H 22 SCF 103963Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20233
Towradgi Long Distance Pointscore 20233
North Section Pointscore494,1881133.32800:12:18BC H 22 SCF 103963SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 20233
SCF North Section Long Distance Pointscore 20233
2nd Sawtell - Overall Fed Result494,1881133.32800:12:18BC H 22 SCF 103968SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 20238
SCF Long Distance Pointscore 20238
Shellies-Lake Open Combine494,1881133.32800:12:18BC H 22 SCF 103966SCF Combine Pointscore 20235

Sawtell - 2nd September, 2023 (1st Sawtell - James Crawford Young Bird National)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
Towradgi494,188873.89501:37:28BCH SCF 22 103964Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20234
Towradgi Long Distance Pointscore 20234
North Section Pointscore494,188873.89501:37:28BCH SCF 22 103966SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 20236
SCF North Section Long Distance Pointscore 20236
1st Sawtell - Overall Fed Result494,188873.89501:37:50BCH SCF 22 1039613SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 202313
SCF Long Distance Pointscore 202313
James Crawford Young Bird National494,188873.89501:37:28BCH SCF 22 1039610SCF Combine Pointscore 20231

Crescent Head - 26th August, 2023 (Crescent Head)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
Towradgi406,4851315.41400:05:15BC C 20 RPI 10938Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20238
Towradgi Long Distance Pointscore 20238
North Section Pointscore406,4851315.41400:05:43BC C 20 RPI 109312SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 202312
SCF North Section Long Distance Pointscore 202312
Crescent Head - Overall Fed Result406,4851315.41400:05:43BC C 20 RPI 109319SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 202319
SCF Long Distance Pointscore 202319

Red Rock - 25th August, 2023 (Red Rock - East Coast Classic - SCF Section)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
Towradgi537,004962.57401:39:12BC C 20 SCF 62632
Red Rock - East Coast Classic - Overall Fed Result537,004962.57401:39:12BC C 20 SCF 62632

Port Macquarie - 19th August, 2023 (Port Macquarie - Woonona-Bulli Open Combine)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
Towradgi373,9491102.66600:00:00BB C 22 SCF 52871Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20231
Towradgi Long Distance Pointscore 20231
North Section Pointscore373,9491102.66600:00:11BB C 22 SCF 52872SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 20232
SCF North Section Long Distance Pointscore 20232
Port Macquarie - Overall Fed Result373,9491102.66600:00:11BB C 22 SCF 52872SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 20232
SCF Long Distance Pointscore 20232
Woonona-Bulli Open SCF Combine373,9491030.78200:23:50BB H 22 SCF 52518SCF Combine Pointscore 20233

Harrington - 12th August, 2023 (Harrington)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
1st Harrington - Overall Fed Result325,4191098.71400:26:19BB H 22 SRPF 47526SCF Short Distance Fed Pointscore 202326
SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 202326
Towradgi325,4191098.71400:26:19BB H 22 SRPF 4755Towradgi Short Distance Pointscore 20235
Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20235
North Section Pointscore325,4191098.71400:26:19BB H 22 SRPF 4759SCF North Section Short Distance Pointscore 20239
SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 20239

Taree - 5th August, 2023 (Taree - SCF Charity Race)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
North Section Pointscore310,8331156.58700:00:00BCP H 21 IGBF 204231SCF North Section Short Distance Pointscore 20231
SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 20231
1st Taree - Overall Fed Result310,8331156.58700:08:04BCP H 21 IGBF 204237SCF Short Distance Fed Pointscore 20237
SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 20237
Towradgi310,8331156.58700:00:00BCP H 21 IGBF 204231Towradgi Short Distance Pointscore 20231
Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20231
Charity Race SCF Combine310,833935.4897SCF Combine Pointscore 20234
Contributing Birds 1016.181BC C 22 SCF 5229
Contributing Birds 854.797BB H 20 SCF 4512

Karuah - 29th July, 2023 (2nd Karuah)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
North Section Pointscore227,3901481.68900:02:59BC C 22 SCF 52296SCF North Section Short Distance Pointscore 20236
SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 20236
2nd Karuah - Overall Fed Result227,3901481.68900:05:25BC C 22 SCF 522922SCF Short Distance Fed Pointscore 202322
SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 202322
Towradgi227,3901481.68900:02:21BC C 22 SCF 52294Towradgi Short Distance Pointscore 20234
Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20234

Karuah - 22nd July, 2023 (1st Karuah)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
1st Karuah - Overall Fed Result227,3901165.70400:08:14BB C 20 SCF 451038SCF Short Distance Fed Pointscore 202338
SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 202338
Towradgi227,3901165.70400:08:14BB C 20 SCF 45109Towradgi Short Distance Pointscore 20239
Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20239
North Section Pointscore227,3901165.70400:08:14BB C 20 SCF 451014SCF North Section Short Distance Pointscore 202314
SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 202314
SCF Charity Race Combine No Results44

Caves Beach - 15th July, 2023 (3rd Caves Beach)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
North Section Pointscore160,1961454.88600:00:09BB H 20 SCF 45124SCF North Section Short Distance Pointscore 20234
SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 20234
Towradgi160,1961454.88600:00:09BB H 20 SCF 45124Towradgi Short Distance Pointscore 20234
Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20234
3rd Caves Beach - Overall Fed Result160,1961454.88600:00:09BB H 20 SCF 45125SCF Short Distance Fed Pointscore 20235
SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 20235

Caves Beach - 9th July, 2023 (2nd Caves Beach)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
Towradgi160,1961252.50900:00:12BB H 21 SCF 188682Towradgi Short Distance Pointscore 20232
Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20232
2nd Caves Beach - Overall Fed Result160,1961252.50900:00:12BB H 21 SCF 188682SCF Short Distance Fed Pointscore 20232
SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 20232
North Section Pointscore160,1961252.50900:00:12BB H 21 SCF 188682SCF North Section Short Distance Pointscore 20232
SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 20232

Caves Beach - 1st July, 2023 (1st Caves Beach)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
North Section Pointscore160,1961126.02600:02:30BB H 22 SCF 527611SCF North Section Short Distance Pointscore 202311
SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 202311
1st Caves Beach - Overall Fed Result160,1961126.02600:02:30BB H 22 SCF 527623SCF Short Distance Fed Pointscore 202323
SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 202323
Towradgi160,1961126.02600:01:56BB H 22 SCF 52767Towradgi Short Distance Pointscore 20237
Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20237

The Entrance - 10th June, 2023 (3rd Entrance)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
3rd Entrance - Overall Fed Result131,4091216.18600:02:02BC C 22 SCF 522923SCF Short Distance Fed Pointscore 202323
SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 202323
Towradgi131,4091216.18600:01:31BC C 22 SCF 52295Towradgi Short Distance Pointscore 20235
Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20235
North Section Pointscore131,4091216.18600:01:31BC C 22 SCF 52299SCF North Section Short Distance Pointscore 20239
SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 20239

The Entrance - 3rd June, 2023 (2nd Entrance)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
2nd Entrance - Overall Fed Result131,4091209.4700:05:52BB H 21 SCF 1886830SCF Short Distance Fed Pointscore 202330
SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 202330
Towradgi131,4091209.4700:05:52BB H 21 SCF 188689Towradgi Short Distance Pointscore 20239
Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20239
North Section Pointscore131,4091209.4700:05:52BB H 21 SCF 1886816SCF North Section Short Distance Pointscore 202316
SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 202316

The Entrance - 28th May, 2023 (1st Entrance)

EventDistanceVelocityPar TimeBird DetailsPlacePointscorePoints
1st Entrance - Overall Fed Result131,4091148.89300:01:31BC C 20 RPI 109312SCF Short Distance Fed Pointscore 202312
SCF Overall Fed Pointscore 202312
Towradgi131,4091148.89300:01:29BC C 20 RPI 10933Towradgi Short Distance Pointscore 20233
Towradgi Overall Pointscore 20233
North Section Pointscore131,4091148.89300:01:29BC C 20 RPI 10937SCF North Section Short Distance Pointscore 20237
SCF North Section Overall Pointscore 20237